20ml – makes 750ml
Prestige Grappa Spirit Essence / Flavour
Grappa is a traditional Italian drink, made from the leftover skins and seeds of grapes used for wine. This is called the “Pomacy” or “Pomace”. The Pomace is fermented and distilled in its natural state. The result is around 90 proof and clear in color.
Pour the contents of this bottle into a 750ml bottle. Fill 3/4 full with alcohol and shake the bottle. Include Top up the bottle and shake until the contents have fully blended.
Prestige Spirit Essences / Flavours
The Prestige Essences are one of our many popular essence brands. With delicious and authentic tasting flavours,
Prestige Essences are definitely worth trying!
Each Prestige Spirit & Liqueur Essences makes 750ml
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